Work It

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.

There are other pictures of Samantha on this website. They tell a story of a beautiful, passionate woman that was always committed to things 110%, and honestly if anyone else had told me that they were going to change their life, reduce their body-fat to nearly zero, and become a fitness model I probably would have laughed. Nodby would laugh at Sam and you can see in these images some of the success that she’s achieved in working her body from excellent to amazing.

From meal prepping to multiple workouts a day to sacrificing what the others her age were doing, Samantha did it all and you can see from the images here that it worked. She took her small frame and formed rock hard muscles that she was able to control and share; showing her commitment to be the best at everything she work towards.

Do you have what it takes to be excellent? Let us help you show what you’ve got!

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